

This category contains 9 posts

On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for B

Academy of Management Executive, 1995 Vol. 9 No. I AN ACADEMY CLASSIC Steven Kerr Executive Overview This article, updated for AME, needs no introduction [1]. Even today, the original article is still widely reprinted. Now part of the lexicon, it truly qualifies as an Academy of Management Classic. For almost twenty years, its title has … Continue reading

Organizational citizenship behavior

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) are a special type of work behavior that are defined as individual behaviors that are beneficial to the organization and are discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system. These behaviors are rather a matter of personal choice, such that their omission are not generally understood as punishable. … Continue reading


Antoni., SE., ME Student Ph.D Fakulti Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia PENDAHULUAN Secara umum, produktivitas diartikan sebagai hubungan antara hasil nyata maupun fisik dengan masukan yang sebenarnya (ILO, 1979). Greenberg yang dikutip oleh Sinungan (1985) mengartikan produktivitas sebagai perbandingan antara totalitas pengeluaran pada waktu tertentu dibagi totalitas masukan selama periode tersebut.

Manajer Sukses vs Manajer Efektif

15 Aug 2002 00:00 Oleh: Ir. Bambang Adi Subagio, M.M. Mana yang lebih penting, menjadi manajer sukses atau menjadi manajer efektif? Jika dihadapkan pada pertanyaan ini mungkin Anda sedikit bingung. Apakah manajer efektif tidak otomatis menjadi manajer sukses? Bukankah seseorang manajer disebut sukses karena dia efektif?

Understanding Employee Motivation

James R. Lindner Research and Extension Associate The Ohio State University Piketon Research and Extension Center Piketon, Ohio Internet address: lindner.16@osu.edu Introduction to Motivation At one time, employees were considered just another input into the production of goods and services. What perhaps changed this way of thinking about employees was research, referred to as the … Continue reading

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